We post messages from MOKICCO here to keep you updated on their developments.
We are deeply grateful for the support and prayers that MOKICCO has received. In Tanzania, May was a month of heavy rain and flooding. In the first week of May, children in some areas could not attend school due to the flooding. However, the weather is now good, and the harvest looks very promising.
On Sunday, May 26, 2024, it was Mission Day in the Swedish Church. In Clara Church, the Children’s Church ensured that Mission Day was very successful. They participated in the service with songs of praise and dance. They handed out summer flowers to the congregation. After the service, we gathered outside for the Clara-run, church coffee, and a popcorn party for all ages. We are so grateful that we raised a total of 18,340 kronor with the Clara-run when the Children’s Church ran for MOKICCO. Thank you so much to all the children who ran. Together, you completed a total of 320 laps around the church. Thanks to all the leaders who organized and all the sponsors who sponsored the Clara-run. The donation to MOKICCO helps children in Tanzania. There are now about 80 children spread across 20 family homes where they receive food, clothing, school fees, loving care, and a Christian home, among other things. Thank you very much.
In Mwanza by Lake Victoria, MOKICCO supports the CDI organization, which focuses on education and aids for mentally and physically handicapped children, who are often hidden away and do not receive any education. This organization was started by a poor girl who, in 1999, when she was nine years old, received help for school and education through one of MOKICCO’s friends, Nils Reuterdahl. Today, she has a job with the UN. Thank God.
June brought many blessings. One of the great blessings was a significant royalty from the Scandinavian Theological College for Carl-Erik Sahlberg’s book, Missionens historia. The royalty will help develop the Christian bookstore that Carl-Erik started with the goal of spreading the gospel through Christian literature. The rest will provide extra support to the childcare center, which was started this year to care for small children while their parents work.
In Tanzania, the MOKICCO leadership holds a leadership meeting every three months. In June, there was such a meeting. It was an opportunity to share how the children are doing at school and at home, both joys and challenges. Sister Agnes Lema (pictured) informed the leadership group that the finances, food for the children, and education are going well so far. The summary of the meeting was that the children are doing well both at school and at home. It is the goal of each family to have a project that generates income. In all places, this has worked well, except for two families who have small grocery stores in Boma and Kikatiti. The meeting advised these families to find other projects.
It is gratifying to see how well it has gone for many of the children that MOKICCO has helped. One example is Joseph Mtui. Joseph came to MOKICCO in 2007. He started primary school while living at MOKICCO. He did well in primary school. He received help from MOKICCO and completed high school. He became a Christian, a youth leader, and a Sunday school teacher at MOKICCO. He got his driver’s license and became a driver for MOKICCO. Now he is studying in Dar-es-Salaam to become a machine operator.
I wish you a pleasant summer with God’s rich blessings.
Overa Seka Sahlberg